1. Prices:
Prices are quoted in USD. Prices do not include shipping, taxes, storage or additional insurance if necessary.
2. Terms:
Orders will be shipped. Sales tax is payable to Kimberly Lamer Interiors (KLI) based on the destination unless a resale certificate is held on file with KLI for that state. Additional customs charges or duties resulting from special international shipping arrangements are payable to the appropriate agent upon destination receipt and are the sole responsibility of the customer. Orders are subject to our acceptance under KLI’s Terms and Conditions of Sale with issuance of formal order acknowledgements. Our order confirmations are final and binding. Any subsequent requests for changes are subject to our ability to conform.
3. When Ordering:
Confirm product dimensions, prior to ordering. KLI does not take responsibility for the suitability of goods and their intended application is the sole responsibility of the buyer. Cancellations will not be accepted after orders have been packed or shipped.
4. Fabrics
When purchasing fabrics, exact color matching from one dye lot to another cannot be guaranteed. Because of variations in dyes, dye lots, yarns, spinning lots, weaves and hides, color will vary. All fabrics respond to changes in atmospheric conditions. It's reasonable to expect dimensional fluctuations. Prior to shipping, confirm all inherent content and production characteristics are acceptable. KLI does not take responsibility for design selections. When ordering fabrics, they are shipped folded and face in. Creasing may result. Creasing in some linen fabrics, may be resilient.
5. Inspection
It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect all goods immediately upon receipt for color, condition, and accuracy.
6. Claims
Claims must be filed in writing within 10 days of receipt of product. No claims allowed for labor under any conditions. No claims allowed for fabrics that have been treated, washed or cut. We are not responsible for damage suffered in transit. We are not responsible for damage suffered from improper storage or improper handling by clients or client designated consignees or client agents.
7. Fabric cleaning Instructions:
We recommend testing any cleaning method on an area of the product that is not visible to the end user. Products are not guaranteed against discoloration or dimensional changes due to cleaning or washing. Fabrics should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust and prevent excessive soiling. Do not remove stains or soiling without consulting a professional cleaner.
8. Shipping and Handling:
Standard delivery terms are USPS economy. Customers may select alternative delivery service (UPS or FedEx) at the time of order, except for orders pertaining to international shipping. All freight estimates will be quoted within 48 hours of purchase and are the responsibility of the purchaser. All products are shipped at the purchaser's risk. KLI is not responsible for delays, failure of delivery, loss or damage in transit or storage. It is the customers responsibility to inspect all goods upon receipt, in order to ensure that the goods are those ordered by the customer. The customer's responsibility shall not be in any way diminished in case of goods that are delivered to a third party on the instruction of the customer.
9. LOCAL Pickup policy:
Local pickup is free, and by appointment only. Appointments must be made directly with KLI, at least 24 hours in advance.
10. Return Policy:
KLI will not accept returns unless the product exhibits non characteristic qualities, incurred damages prior to shipping,or was shipped in error, and the client ships the goods as instructed within 30 days of Customers services original authorization to return. KLI will not accept responsibility for incorrect items by clients. Returns in any other packaging will not be accepted, even if previously authorized for return. Improperly packaged items will not be accepted by KLI even if previously authorized for return.